H. Termination of the Prior Arbitration. Immediately upon learning of Mr. Engalla's death on October 23, Mr. Rand notified Mr. McComas of that fact and asked him to stipulate that Kaiser would not capitalize on the delays that had plagued the arbitration. Specifically, Mr. Rand explained that under the case of Atkins v. Strayhorn (1990) 223 Cal.App.3d 1380 [273 Cal.Rptr. 231], the limitation on non-economic damages of Civil Code section 3333.2 is applied separately to the claims of a patient and his spouse who simultaneously claims loss of consortium. Because Mrs. Engalla had made such a claim, Atkins authorized a total claim for noneconomic damages of $ 500,000. However, upon the passing of Mr. Engalla, the case of Yates v. Pollock (1987) 194 Cal.App.3d 195 [239 Cal.Rptr. 383], required merger of the widow's loss of consortium claim into an indivisible claim for wrongful death, which warrants only a single general damage claim of $250,000. >? Kaiser's Mission Accomplished!! Mr. Rand's request for a stipulation to override the effect of Yates was flatly refused.