Morphine Hotel

by Chuck Phillips, MD, FACEP, ex-Kaiser physician
To be sung to the tune of Elivis' Heartbreak Hotel

"Now when my health plan hurt me, I found a new place to dwell;
It is down at the end of hospice street, at Morphine Hotel.
I am so sedated, that I will die.

"The ads were so inviting, I signed up not checking the rest;
But while begging for help when I first called in, I was treated like a pest;
I am so sedated, that I will die.

"I hear they made a billion plus in profit for '04 alone;
And I know just where it came from, no tests despite my moan;
I am so sedated, that I will die.

"When I heard that my own physician got rich off the money saved,
I saw it as a medical Enron, a slick system and so depraved.
I am so sedated, that I will die.

"So when I get to heaven, I will ask the powers that be,
If they could help all HMO patients from this plague to be free.
I am so sedated, that I will die."